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Young menstruators generally get their first period anywhere between the ages of 9 and 16. As a lot of people will recall, the first period can be a huge source of stress. The cramps and discomfort, the potential leaks, changing your protection at school and the unknown embarrassment of it all. Not to mention trying to sift through all of the protection options available on the market to find the right one for you. At Rosaseven we want to take the taboo and the stress out of periods entirely for everyone, including teen periods.   WHY PERIOD UNDERWEAR FOR TEENS? Teenagers have enough to worry about without the added hormonal and menstrual stress that comes around periods. From getting their...

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We’re all aware of the enjoyment of sex within a relationship; building intimacy, pleasure and feeling closer to your partner, as well as the immediate release of satisfaction, hormones and emotions. However, that release of hormones may be even more beneficial than you think. The health benefits of regular sex (1-2 times a week) can have a much greater positive impact than you realise. Sexual activity, intercourse or masturbation, can offer many surprising benefits to all facets of your life…   HOW SEX HELPS REDUCE STRESS? Your body releases a nice dose of Endorphins and oxytocin during sex, and these feel-good hormones activate pleasure centres in the brain that create feelings of intimacy and relaxation and help stave off anxiety and...

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Over the many many years, decades & centuries we have been menstruating on this planet, there have been many misconceptions developed in varying cultures and countries around periods. Some may hold some truths, some may have been proven to be complete fabrication, however there are many that still come up now, so the following are a few of the main misconceptions we have been asked about or have noticed over the last 2 years of developing Rosaseven, to put your mind at rest:   Are periods linked to the Moon? For centuries, people have wondered whether the menstrual cycle was linked to the phases of the moon. It’s easy to see where the idea came from. For starters, the average...

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What's coming out of your body is a pretty good indicator of what's happening inside your body. Vaginal discharge is a normal bodily function that keeps the natural ecosystem of the vagina healthy and functioning. The colours and consistencies of our vaginal discharge can be key indicators of your vaginal health. While most changes are normal, others can signify anything from bacteria, an STD or whether you just need to drink more water. WHAT IS THE COLOUR OF MY VAGINAL DISCHARGE TELLING ME? So, we’ll start with the colours it can be, and what they can indicate in terms of your health, diet and time of your cycle:  CLEAR Most ordinary healthy vaginal discharge is clear or whitish. It may be slippery...

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Have you ever noticed small patches in your underwear have changed colour, or bleached slightly like this? Has this ever worried you or freaked you out?   Simply put, this is called bleaching, and it's completely normal. In fact, if you noticed discoloured patches on your panties and thought something was wrong with you, then you can relax because it is actually a good sign. A bleached patch in your underwear means that your vagina is healthy. A healthy vagina has a natural pH value between 3.5 and 4.5, which means it is largely acidic, especially if your vagina is lower on the acidity scale, the acidity can then bleach natural fibres over time being exposed to the vaginal discharge....

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