Infos — periods RSS


Period poverty severely impacts opportunities for women and girls in many parts of the world by restricting their education and employment opportunities. Lack of access to menstrual products and clean sanitary facilities directly impacts women and continuously feeds the poverty cycle.  30% of girls in Africa DROP OUT of school because they fall behind in their studies or are ashamed to attend school after being teased by their peers for soiling their clothes with blood.  In rural Zimbabwe I met the Numwa Women’s Support Group, who initiated their sanitary wear project to meet the needs for menstrual protection for girls. With girls often missing up to five days of school a month because of a lack of sanitary protection, that’s almost 25%...

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Have you ever noticed small patches in your underwear have changed colour, or bleached slightly like this? Has this ever worried you or freaked you out?   Simply put, this is called bleaching, and it's completely normal. In fact, if you noticed discoloured patches on your panties and thought something was wrong with you, then you can relax because it is actually a good sign. A bleached patch in your underwear means that your vagina is healthy. A healthy vagina has a natural pH value between 3.5 and 4.5, which means it is largely acidic, especially if your vagina is lower on the acidity scale, the acidity can then bleach natural fibres over time being exposed to the vaginal discharge....

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Physiology of the Menstrual Cycle: Understanding the Root of Hormonal Imbalances Written by: Dr. Lauren Goss, ND

As a naturopathic doctor, one of our main guiding principles is doctor as teacher. I truly believe the more we know about our bodies and understand our physiology, the more we can work with and celebrate bodily changes, rather than being constantly disappointed. As cycling people, our bodies are always in hormonal flux. It’s not just the monthly cycle, but the daily, weekly and larger transitional changes. Expecting ourselves to think, perform, look and feel the same every day is only setting us up for a lifetime of frustration and discomfort. It is always my goal with patients to inform and encourage a relationship, with our bodies and hormones, that allows us to be compassionate, understanding, and caring. Physiological hormonal...

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Hormone Q&A With Carly – Hormone Holistic Nutritionist

We sat down with Carly from @thecyclicbody_ a Hormone Holistic Nutritionist, to ask her some questions & better understand our hormones and what can help some of the symptoms and side effects during our cycles.  Firstly, we asked Carly about our famous Period headaches. Why do we get period headaches? What can we do to reduce and ease period headaches?    Cyclic headaches can be tricky. They’re so often in our luteal phase, during the time before our period or during the first day or two of our bleeds. More often these are actually associated with oestrogen dominance. In our cycles we have two of our main hormones, oestrogen & progesterone, they are both beautiful hormones but if they are not in...

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